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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Best updated informations about me...

Please follow the more updated: www.facebook/chefroccocartia Thanks and don't hesitate to contact for questions regarding my services at: 4086076032 or Warm Regards Chef Rocco

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Guacamole Caracol: Ingredienti: 2 grandi Avocado, 1 cucchiaio di cipolla tritata fine, 2 chili serrano tagliata a fettine sottili, 1 grosso pomodoro tagliato a dadini, 2 ramoscelli di cilantro tritato, succo di lime, sale. Tagliare gli avocado a meta’. Estrarre la polpa con un cucchiaio e schiacciare a freddo in una coppa con una forchetta. Mischiare al resto degli ingredienti aggiungendo qualche goccia di succo di lime e aggiungere a vostro piacere. Servire a temperatura ambiente ed immediatamente dopo averlo preparato per evitar che il colore diventi scuro a causa dell'esposizione all'ossigeno. Ingredients: 2 big avocados, 1 tbsp finely chopped onions, 2 chilis finely sliced, 1 big tomato chopped in small cubes, 2 stems of cilantro chopped finely, lime juice, salt. Half the 2 Avocados cold and take pulp out using a tablespoon. Crush with a fork in a bowl mixing with the rest of the ingredients while adding some drops of lime juice too. Season properly and up to taste. Serve at room temperature and immediately after you make it to avoid losing a nice green color caused by oxygenation.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Homemade Bread.. Pane fatto in casa..

Homemade bread smell in the house is just amazing throughout your day's homework waiting for the baby girl Melody to come.. Il profumo del pane fatto in casa e' semplicemente un piacere che ti accompagna per tutto il giorno con i lavori di casa nell'attesa dell'arrivo della piccola Melody..

Recipe n. 6

Parmigiana (Eggplant layered with tomato sauce, parmesan cheese and mozzarella cheese) Rocco Cartia - For about 10 people: 4 Eggplants 450 g – 2 cups tinned chopped tomatoes 450 g – 2 cups fresh tomatoes 2 Onions110 g – ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese 220 g – 1 cup Mozzarella cheese 30 g – 1 oz Basil finely sliced Salt and Pepper Olive oil Slice Eggplant at almost 1 cm of thickness. Cook them in a oven or grill for a lighter recipe, ( otherwise traditionally it’s fried in a thick batter made by Milk, Flour, Salt, Pepper) and let them cool down. Make a fresh Tomato sauce braising roughly chopped onions in a pot with olive oil. Let it cook slowly for about a hour adding salt and pepper at the end. Grease an oven tray with drops of olive oil, place some fresh Tomato sauce then start laying down Eggplant slices, adding a ladle of Tomato sauce, Basil, a little bit of Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese between each layer. After 4 layers add some more Tomato sauce on top and the left over Parmesan cheese. Bake for about 30’ at 180° and serve hot, warm or room temperature.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Excellence in Silicon Valley..

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Recipe n°5

Tapenade Rocco Cartia – for 10 people 2 cups green and black Olives, rinsed and pitted 5 salted Anchovies, rinsed 2 tablespoons Capers, rinsed 2 Garlic clove, minced about ¼ cup extra virgin Olive oil 1 teaspoon grated Lemon zest ¼ teaspoon Fennel pollen 1 teaspoon Parsley Combine the olives, anchovies, capers and garlic in a food processor and pulse adding olive oil as necessary to form a rough spreadable paste. Add the lemon zest, finely chopped pasley and fennel pollen and pulse to combine. Transfer to a jar and cover with a thin layer of olive oil.

Una lista delle migliori scuole di cucina in Italia, utile per tutti gli amanti culinari.. A list of the best Italian Cooking schools, useful for everyone loves to cook..‎‎‎

Monday, September 9, 2013

Recipe n°4

Recipe n°4
Fave e cicorie ( dried Fava beans and chicory) Rocco Cartia – for 10 people 900 g – 4 cups of chicory 450 g – 2 cups fava beans 100 g – ½ cup Olive Oil Water Salt Soak the fava beans in cold water for about 2 hours. Strain and rinse and put in a pot with double amount of cold water and a pinch of salt. Bring to boil and cook for about 45 minutes stirring from time to time. Wash the chicory very well under water, then chop them in half or big chunks depending on the size. Put a pot full of hot water on the stove and boil the chicory. Add olive oil in the cooked fava beans and still hot puree in a food processor or use a hand mixer to make a puree.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Recipe n° 3

Verdure grigliate con dressing alla menta (Grilled vegetables with a mint dressing) Rocco Cartia - For 10 people:
3 Eggplant 1 ½ pound 3 Zucchini 1 ½ pound 450 g – 2 cups Mushrooms 20 g – 1 tbsp Mint 20 g – 1 tbsp Garlic 20 ml – 4 tsp Red Wine vinegar 60 g – 3 tbsp Olive oil 10 g - 2 tsp chilli Salt and Pepper Finely chop Garlic, Mint and Chilli. Move those ingredients in a cup and add the Red Wine vinegar, salt, chilli and pepper, mix very well, then add Olive oil to make a dressing. Slice Eggplant and Zucchini at almost 1 cm of thickness each. Wash with a wet cloth or paper towel the mushrooms and let them dry. Place the vegetables on a very hot grill pan or Barbecue, cook for about 2 minutes in both sides the zucchini and mushrooms, for about 4 minutes the eggplant both sides. Lay down on a plate and drizzle some dressing on top. Serve warm or room temperature.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Recipe n.2

Mussels Gratin Rocco Cartia – for 10 people 2 kg – 1 pound Mussels 220 g – 1 cup Breadcrumbs 110 g – ½ cup grated Parmesan Cheese 50 g – ¼ cup parsley chopped finely 50 g – 3 tbsp olive oil 50 g – 3 tbsp white wine A pinch of Black pepper Open the raw mussels and keep half seafood in each half shell aside in the fridge. Prepare a mix with the rest of the ingredients. Put the mix on top of the mussels, Drizzle olive oil around on top. Bake at 200° for 6-8 minutes depending on the size of the Mussels.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer sul Sula III

Un progetto molto interessante del Prof Paolo Brescia e Mr Giose Brescia. Si parte dalla Puglia in diversi porti per un giro nell’Adriatico e con a bordo uno Chef Internazionale che con passione cucinera’ in barca. Price-Prezzo : a partire da 300 euro, piu’ 100 euro di spese per la barca. Prenotazioni - Reservations Infoline : 3281428111 Email : CUCINA PER AMANTI DEL CIBO E DELLA VELA IN GIRO PER L’ADRIATICO . . c o n C h e f Rocco Cartia

A funny Italian mix of cheese and salami..Un simpatico Affettato all'italiana

A funny Italian mix of cheese and salami..Un simpatico Affettato all'italiana